Thursday, March 18, 2010

Be prepared...

Ah, the lessons I have learned.
My day started out a bit rough, but in the end, all was right in my world.

The lesson learned reinforced today was preparation.  How can a concept so simple be so difficult to grasp?  Is it just me?  And when you throw small children into the mix, watch out!  I can see how preparation will be a major key to my success.

The alarm went off at 6am, so naturally I rolled out of bed at 6:30.  As I showered and then dressed in my workout gear, I was feeling rather accomplished.  Alas, I was patting myself on the back far too soon.  My troubles began when I realized  that I would have to wear my old running shoes to the gym.  This particular pair of shoes has a big hole in the toe!  My "nice" shoes were on the back porch because I ran across the yard last weekend stepped in a big pile of dog crap.  Ugh!  Try as I might, I couldn't get it off with much success, so I just left them there on the back porch.  What was I thinking?  Was the "Poop Fairy" going to clean the shoes while I was sleeping?  Moving on...

I got the little people up and eating breakfast, and then I glanced up at the clock.  I quickly realized that my morning was unraveling before my eyes.  I should have already been on the road to take my daughter to school, so she was going to be late.  There were no clothes set out for the 2 and 3 year old, my bag was not packed for the gym, the sippy cups were nowhere to be found and I was quickly losing my cool.  How am I going to prevent this from becoming a daily ritual?  Easy.  It's called planning.

I have to admit that I thought about scrapping the entire plan for the day.  God knows that if I can't make it to the gym in the morning that I may as well eat garbage all day.  Right?  It's funny how excuses come so easily to me.  It's just another opportunity for me to play the martyr/victim.  No thank you.

This weekend I will be fine tuning my workout schedule.  Weight training is going to play a major role in my transformation, and I want to make sure that my time in the gym is spent wisely.

Next week is going to be great.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

In the beginning...

Sounds a bit dramatic, huh?
I don't know where to start.  My story is so long.
I am unsure where this blog thing will take me, but I am sure it will be a journey of self discover as well as fitness.  Initially, I will probably be all over the place as I remember bits and pieces of my past that will lead me to a healthy future.  If you are reading this, I hope you enjoy the ride.  : )

There comes a time in every girls life when she has to say, "Enough already!"  Am I there yet?  I think I am.

This free spirited mama of six lovely children has an inner goddess just waiting to bust out.  I have actually had dreams where I possess the PERFECT body.  I wake up and look at myself, and I sigh (or swear).  Why me?

Why not me?  I am no different, give or take a few pounds, from the next fitness model.  I truly believe that through God ALL things are possible.  My mom taught me that as a child.  She said it all the time.  Saying it myself makes me feel like superwoman.  Hard work, determination, a solid plan, some great leverage, and of course a solid "why" will be necessary.  I will have to give this some serious though.

I started my quest for fitness some years ago, and although I have never been what you would call obese, I have always felt inadequate where my body is concerned.  This feeling of inadequacy has led me down many a road.  Magic pills, fad diets, unrealistic exercise plans and even a few bouts with anorexia/bulimia.  I'm not proud of this, but it has made me a more compassionate person toward others who feel that they just aren't good enough.  I have a big heart, and I want to fix everyone.  Perhaps I should start with myself this time.