Sunday, August 1, 2010

Goals and Splurges

I have thought long and hard about what my goals were going to be.  I want to be ambitious, but I also don't want to set myself up for failure. Splurges are frightening to me because I am afraid that I won't stop eating once the splurge has ended.
I have decided to set a goal of .2 pounds per day.  At that rate I will reach my goal of 125 lb by 11/22/2010.  I will be thin and fit for the holidays, and that will feel great.
I have also decided to give myself one splurge meal per week.  This should not be confused with a binge.  The splurge will be accounted for, and other meals will be smaller on the designated day in order to make room for the extra calories.
I'm excited!

Day 12