Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back on the Wagon

I am so frustrated with myself lately.  I have been feeling unmotivated, unattractive, uninspired and just plain FAT.
This past week I hit an all time high (non-pregnancy) weight.  Gasp!  In light of this completely understandable misfortune, I have decided to stop hanging out at the doughnut shop.  It's not just the doughnuts that are contributing to my weight.  It's eating out in general.  I leave the house with great intentions, but put me in front of the glowing menu board at any drive-thru and I lose all self control.  In addition to the eating out problem, I appear to have a lot of food addictions/trigger foods that send me over the edge.  I will seriously make up excuses to see a crummy movie just to get my hands on some buttery popcorn.  After ingesting this tantalizing treat, I will fall off the wagon for days as I crave everything sweet and fried.
I really don't want to be a fat mom or a fat wife, but I'll have to talk more about that tomorrow.  It's late, and I'm hungry.
So here's the deal.  Today I have limited myself to just the basics.  Protein shakes, protein bars and water are all I've eaten today.  I know that is not smart, but I ran out of grocery money because we spent it all on fast food.  How sad is that?  I guess my thinking is that if I can avoid all of my trigger foods for a few days that I will have more willpower.  We shall see.
My sister-in-law has a blog where she actually posts a daily photo.  I love this idea, and I may start doing it as well.  For now I will just say that I have my boxing gloves on.  I'm ready to battle this weight thing.

Day 1
Weight 149 (and some change)

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Your sister-in-law just gave up on the daily photo idea. That doesn't mean she has given up. I think I am going to convert my project to a 52 instead of a 365.

    I'm jumpin' back on the wagon with you. Dinner at the Crystal Palace last night was over-the-top (or at least the two margaritas were).
